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27 Aug, Barleymow, (6,15)

Writer's picture: LBDLBD

With some key contenders missing this week, the RM felt that this was an opportunity to regain some mileage......

Final Ride of August 2019 = Last of the Summer 'Ride'...(Wine)

What do you mean the RM isn't behind us anymore? Where did he go!?

So six brave souls gathered on a wonderful summer's eve to fulfil their destiny - was it to be the third attempt at the two peaks no. RM was feeling dazed and confusedĀ  - so decided on a clockwise tour from the Stansted Estate, round to the Adsdean descent of gloom and a visit to the Llama Farmer.

All good. Flowing, rolling hills, Dry trails - no slippy chalk in sight.

Memorable points - much concern about whether this was going to be a Dobbie ride when one is still heading away from the pub after 90 minutes. But this concern quickly passed.. RM has a moment down Boulder Alley/Flinty Hill and considered momentarily leaving his bike at about 25 mph....then decided against it. RM and Daisy engaged in synchronised dropoffs later on same descent..

I will not dwell on the ill discipline and disrespectful behaviour of the pioneer posse - who went straight on to Stoughton instead of LEFT along the ridge. (Invoking memories of Smashies refrain..which part of naffing left do you naffing idiots not naffing understand). This criticism would be unfair, and so is absolutely valid in this acccount.

So decision time -Ā  do we rekindle the Dobbie experience and go immediately back up the hill we had just descended - er - not on my watch. So re-routing on the farm track which doesn't go through the farm anymore we climbed the north face of Kingley Vale.

Just in time for the remaining daylight to enliven the spectacular view across Chichester and its harbour before setting off down the single track and into the gloom of Adsdean - fast as you like said MIng but don't hit anyone coming the other way. Fracker set off into the failing light with gusto (He's the new Italian Guy) spraying up the dust which made irridescent swirls as the lights of the peloton caught the dancing particles like the stars of the Milky Way.Ā  Aaaaah.

The evening's are drawing in - Lights are now essential for every ride

Finally the last up and down past the Llama's defibrillator;Ā  back to the pub on time, for lovely pizzas and fish and chips, my darling.

So t'was

Fracker - RM - T

Chuff - imaginary RM - T

Algee - T

BigRing - T

Daisy - T

Ming - No T....

15 glorious summer miles. Meals for all.

MisdeameanourĀ  - you know who you are.

Ride On.


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