A good turn out for this Tuesday's Shabi ride, considering many of the Shabi's were hitting BPW the following day, obviously in preparation for the next Olympics, they needed their considerable beauty sleep.
Our first bit of squirrelly down hill, claimed Cpt. Fracker as it's victim as he watched the rider in front double wheel skid on the loose leaves and mud and decided loss of balance was the only course of action. However, in true British fashion the fall was brushed off as just a mere 'incident' and we pedalled on through Churt and onto Frensham Pond.
We don't have a pic of Cpt. Fracker having a lie down, so here's an unrelated meme instead:
Chuffy took off at an astonishing pace, for the fast run through to Dockenfield, where he caught his breath at Cat Weir, and a photo op' (see below) with all the mud he collected en-route:
When we all reassembled at Cat Weir, for a full peloton photo op', it was a gradual accent to the Bluebell Pub (soon to be a rendezvous point for a later Shabi ride that Slumpy has volunteered to R.M.!).
We flirted around the periphery of Alice Holt (lovely girl), and down towards Headley Court, taking in the Ford. As some Shabi's opted for the bridge instead of wet feet, it meant a convenient stop to empty a bladder or two on the other side:
Through Broxwood common, over a couple of stiles and we're into serious Bracken territory. "Is Dobbie leading this ride!!!!" where the crys from the peloton.
We arrive in Arford for a bit of a tester false flat, into the woods, and across Ludshott common, and a sprint up Headley Road to the Fox & Pelican for fine dining in the refurbished pub. Fun had by all.
Daisy -Tee shirt
Smashie -Tee shirt
Chuff -Tee shirt
Genghis -Tee shirt
Fracker - Fall
Slumpy -DRM
Strangely Brown -Tee shirt -RM
Strangely Brown.