Tour of Durford Wood
First of all I want to say thank you to everyone for making me feel welcome in the group. Thank you also for showing your appreciation and support for my first shabi ride lead.
We left the Festival car park and completed our warm lap via the river/stream path, Penns Place and our first bit of off road by the side of the river Rother. From here we cycled through Sheet Common and onto the A272. It was here that Tonka parted company with his bike in attempting to cross the road – where’s a policeman when you need one.
We all crossed the 272 without further incident and negotiated a couple of styles before entering Durford Wood. The rest of the ride continued without major incident. The drop off caused some concern, but most of us committed to it……. eventually !!
Apparently Nurse Brown did a 180, which, in certain situations would be impressive – ice dance, gymnastics, slopestyle snowboarding, even darts ! However when a branch catches your handlebars, you fall off the bike and your handlebars do a 180 – not so impressive. Oh, and Genghis ripped his jacket – pure attention seeking !
The highlight of the evening for me was not the ride at all – it was the look of shear joy on your little faces as you walked through the portals of Whetherspoons, Petersfield. You knew you were going to have an experience of a life time
Here are a few quotes from the evening :
“Do you know what, I’m going to bring my wife here for a Valentines candlelit dinner:” - Smashie
(“You will need to bring your own candles” – Tim Martin)
“I’ve died and gone to heaven” – Genghis
“ Blimey, is that all it costs and it includes a beer !!!!! “ – Big Ring
“ When I get home I’m going to google how to change my sons names to Tim and Martin” – Dobbie
“ I think the man should be Knighted – arise Sir Tim “ – Strangley
“ Should be made a Saint, if you ask me” – Tonka
“Best tucker I’ve ever had” – Slumpy ( getting outside his scampi and chips)
“ Best curry I’ve ever eaten, knocks spots of the Madhuban and the Saaki” – LBD
“ If it wasn’t for Sir Tim we would probably still be in the EU – thank you Tim for guiding us into a better world” – Nurse Brown
“ I will forever rue the day I didn’t stop for a meal after the ride last Tuesday” – Chuff ( in the Queue at Greggs waiting for his 4 for the price of 3 sausage roles, yesterday)
You're all very welcome...
TT (Tony Tiger)