On the 15th Jan 2019, there was an earlier failed attempt at the southern Two Peak challenge. This involves getting up and down Kingley Vale and then up and down the Trundle - and back to the Barley Mow within 2 hours – in time for pizza.
So it was with quiet excitement that 11 shabis gathered in said pub car park on a lovely summer’s eve to take on the challenge again, although the sky looked threatening to lightning and thunder – which explains the absence of Genghis the all powerful weatherman.
Quiet that was until the arrival of Slumpy 2 who before the start of the ride had impressed with his immaculate rev control, impolite driving and innovative if inefficient parking (contrary to clear instructions) whereupon he had simultaneous heated arguments with Chuffy and the Chef (not a shabi nickname he really was the Chef) who said men can’t multi-task?
After much chivvying, pre-ordering, providing of NOK details the bunch ascended Kingley Vale. Much huffing and puffing as it became clear that it was very humid and warm. Quite a sweat fest.
Achieving the route within two hours was going to be a challenge. But Chuffy fell into his optimistic stereotype – and set the pace - ‘of course we can do it’. Not the last stereotypical behaviour we were to witness that evening….
Briskly across the south side of Kingley Vale careered the bunch which quickly divided into those in a hurry and with focus - and those who have no cognisance of the passing of time….and the passing-up therefore of pizza.
Some more up and down before we crossed the River Lavant and Centurion Way and began the steep sheep hill climb, and the long drag up to the Trundle. Due to the decent pace and lack of stoppages the RM started to believe that it might be possible. Chuffy was never in doubt.
One notable behaviour of the lead riders on both peaks was the effect of the heat and the altitude – whereupon they would disperse without instruction or direction and ride around the top of the peak with no discernible orientation or purpose. Giddy with joy at the glorious views over the south coast and environs, no doubt.
Fast descent from the Trundle. Again Slumpy2 proved his multi-tasking abilities by freewheeling and being stung by a bee at the same time. Through West Dean for the last tough climb of the evening – honest - back towards Chilgrove.
And then the last tough climb of the evening – really this time it was. (Stu – go easy on that strength and conditioning training!). Mainly downhill to the pub which saw the front of the group arrive back 8:30 on the dot – mission accomplished. A steamy, sweaty, tough and hilly 15 miles.
Then came pizzagate – you will have seen the Sussex Police all points bulletin for the miscreant who failed to pay their share of the bill - there is photographic evidence, witness statements, public outrage and frankly a complete lack of surprise. For fear of libel proceedings, I cannot name the accused but one thing is certain 118 divided by 7 is not 12.
Miles for Polly, New Stu and BigRing
Miles, Meals and T Shirt Points for Chuffy, Tonka, Smashie, Daisy, Algernon, Dobbie DRM, Fracker RM
Miles and 2 T Shirt Points for Slumpy for he wore it during and after the ride.
Extra points for Chuffy and Dobbie for continued stereotypical behaviour? I leave that to the Lord High Points Master.
Leaving all the levity behind for a moment, this was the first Tuesday ride since the tragic passing of Sir Fallalot. This blog reads like there were 11 riders out this week, but Nick was in all our minds and hearts, so he was with us, and there were actually 12.
Fracker x