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Writer's pictureLBD

8 Oct, Green Dragon, (10,15)

It's a well known fact that Liphook residents are incapable of correct use of mini roundabouts. Poor Algee was the latest victim, whilst entering the mini roundabout as per the highway code Algee was faced with a Liphook resident on collision course with horn blaring. Shocked Algee responded with "I say kind man I appear to have obstructed you" I ma unable to tell you the response was as Algee does not speak Liphook, except there was a lot of growling.

Liphook - safe, friendly and welcoming

Chuff found Algee trembling in the far corner of the Green Dragon car park. Having seen recent NHS adverts and being extremely emotionally aware, Chuff asked Algee if he was OK. As Algee began to explain...

Chuff looked horrified and said "Whoah I don't really want to know".

Thankfully the awkward moment is interrupted with the arrival of other shabis.

There were 10 Shabis altogether, Chuffy, Algee, Daisy, Smashie, Genghis, Tonka, Slumpy, Fracker, Godfrey (BR), and Simon the Wheels. With everyone set to go Chuffy directed that whilst acting as RM whatever direction Chuff was facing was in fact the correct route. With this new instruction the shabis set off, right onto Portsmouth road then over the A3 a short blast along the A3 junction then left onto the common along the common parallel with the A3 towards Bramshot Chase. A little bit of play in the woods  followed by a short hill climb warmed the shabis hearts. Onto the road at Bramshot Chase and up towards the Grayshot roundabout. Just before the BP Garage a right turn saw the Shabis cross the bridge at the Hindhead Tunnel. Genghis was very excited as crossing this bridge was on his Shabis wish list, he doesn't get out much. Over the bridge saw some fast single track, Right, sharp left, sharp right and we made the bottom of the valley.

Well worth a look, if you like tunnels

The climb out of the valley tested shabis skills, the path was narrow with a considerable drop off on the right and shrubbery leaving no space to the left. With everyone successfully at the top we turned left heading towards the crossroads, at the cattle crossing we turned right and headed towards the Gibbett. Why is it called the gibbet? according to Genghis this was because years ago the peasants would come here and remove the gibbets from dead chickens. The real history is:

In 1786 a sailor was brutally murdered by three men which he had befriended in a local Thursley pub whilst walking from London to the docks in Portsmouth. Soon after the murder a stone was erected to mark the spot where the poor sailor met his death. (Walk along the old Portsmouth Road to find the sailors stone and read the inscription). The three villains were tried and then hung on Gibbet Hill, near the site of the murder, as a warning to other criminals.

After the hanging many fears and superstitions arose around Gibbet Hill in 1851 Sir William Erle an English lawyer, judge and Whig politician , paid for a Celtic cross to be erected to banish these fears and raise the local spirits. The celtic cross is listed as Grade 11 listed monument by English Heritage

Lesson over


The shabis left the gibbet and headed towards the punch bowl which legend has was created by THOR, God of Thunder trying to strike the devil with lightening, the devil retaliated by scooping a handful of earth, hurling it at Thor . the depression that remained is the Devils Punch Bowl. With time running out we skirt the edge of the bowl turn left cross the Grayshot road and plough into wet mud. it's tough going with Tonka taking the lead as we head towards Waggoners wells, out of the mud and onto to single track and some winding downhill. Godfrey special talent in tackling this is to slide down on his arse, he does not disappoint and reaches the bottom literally. Should this skill be considered a fall. There are 2 other fallers daisy and Slumpy.

Onto waggoners wells and along the all new single track introduced by Tonka it's some great riding. One last climb and we are back on Bramshot. A quick blast through the woods back onto Portsmouth Road and onto the Green dragon.

15 miles for all

Meal for all except Simon Wheels. T shirt for all.

Falls for Godfrey, daisy and Slumpy

Chuff x

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