11 Aug Midhurst Madness, (11,19)
11th August 2020 – the Madness of Midhurst Dearest SHABI’s It was 36°C according to the dashboard of the van as Smashie rolled into the...
11 Aug Midhurst Madness, (11,19)
28 July, Big Ring's ride, (13,17)
21 July, Grayshott, (10,15)
30 June, Emsworth, (6,12)
23 June, OxDrove Tracks, (6,6,1,20)
16 June, SFAL Memorial Ride, (13,15)
Baby Goes Home, 6 June, 2020
Baby's Big Day Out, 09 May 2020
17 Mar, Bat n Ball, Farnham, (9,14)
10 Mar, Emsworth Beach, (11,18)
3 Mar, Links, (9,13)
25 Feb, Grumpy, Compton, (9,10)
18 Feb, Thursley, (10,12)
11 Feb, Midhurst, (13,8)
4 Feb, Grayshott, (8,16)
28 Jan, Partridge, Singleton & West Dean Forest (9-13)
21 Jan, Barleymow, (10-11)
14 Jan, Links, (8-14)
Santa’s Grotto Midhurst (11,10)